Loved to Death. a well known woman with a soccer player ex-boyfriend and a powerful breakup is dead – had been it an instance of breakup physical violence?

Loved to Death. a well known woman with a soccer player ex-boyfriend and a powerful breakup is dead – had been it an instance of breakup physical violence?

A popular woman with a soccer player ex-boyfriend and a powerful breakup is dead – had been it an instance of breakup physical violence?

Created by Marcelena Spencer

Dawn. July 4, 2011. Lauren Astley happens to be missing for over 12 hours.

Friends Genevieve Flynn and Chloe Jacques had been paralyzed with fear.

“. and then we simply waited and waited and sat in silence, being unsure of what you should do, being unsure of things to think, being unsure of what things to feel,” stated Chloe.

“after which each morning,” Genevieve said by having a pause that is long “they discovered her.”

Soon after Lauren’s body was discovered in a marsh daybreak. She was indeed strangled; her throat cut.

“I became hoping up to the past minute it was maybe not her, even though we decided to go to the health Examiner’s workplace,” Lauren’s daddy, Malcolm Astley told “48 Hours” correspondent Tracy Smith.

Astley had done just what no dad should ever want to do: recognize the human body of their first and just child. Lauren had simply turned 18 — a bright, musically gifted woman along with her lifetime in front side of her.

“It really is nevertheless very hard for me personally to think,” Lauren’s mother, Mary Dunne explained. “I have always been therefore grateful that we have actually various tracks of her.

And it’s really a thing that nourishes me personally everyday.”

Lauren had been 12 whenever she got the lead in a regional theater manufacturing of “Annie.”

“. she just includes a voice that is lovely it absolutely was simply growing more powerful and more powerful,” stated Astley.

Her moms and dads, both educators, divorced in 2006 and provided custody of Lauren.

“. she had been constantly laughing and going and doing one thing,” stated Dunne.

“She ended up being very good in soccer,” Astley stated, “then — tennis, and even though she had been tiny.”

“She was small . she was just 5 foot high,” stated Dunne. But Lauren had a personality that is big.

“She did have lots of character and she had been extremely truthful,” stated buddy Hannah Blahut.

“A trend setter, certainly,” Genevieve included. “. she had been just therefore much enjoyable to be around.”

“She ended up being a actually close friend. If she ended up being working for you with an issue, she’d place 100 % involved with it,” said Hannah.

“You visited New Orleans along with her?” Smith asked Hannah.

“Yeah, we went along to help reconstruct after Hurricane Katrina,” she responded.

In reality, Lauren visited New Orleans 3 times to aid flood victims reunite on the legs.

“And did good, difficult, handbook work, that was best for her to accomplish. And I also think the work really was significant to her,” stated Dunne.

In high school, Lauren blossomed. She became a lead singer in an a cappella team.

“She had been therefore excited to have that part . get that ‘Breathless’ song,” stated Genevieve.

Lauren Astley and Nathaniel Fujita Janet Wolbarst Photography

And Lauren began dating classmate that is fellow Fujita.

“Was Nathaniel her very first boyfriend?” Smith asked the band of buddies.

“Yeah, first serious boyfriend,” Chloe responded.

R.J. Bolivar, D.J Henderson, and Connor Murphy have already been friends with Nathaniel almost their lives that are whole.

“We been playing recreations together since possibly primary college,” stated D.J.

“He had been a good man, he had been a fairly close friend. After all, he had been a nice person at heart,” stated R.J.

“He had been excellent. He had been funny, friendly, he had been my pal,” Genevieve told Smith.

“He had been a tiny bit on the peaceful part,” stated Chloe.

“He actually don’t say or talk much,” said R.J.

They do say Nathaniel did the majority of their chatting regarding the soccer industry as being a celebrity receiver that is wide Wayland senior school.

“He had been an athlete that is good. Fast, high, coordinated,” said R.J.

Nathaniel is Beth and Tomo Fujita’s earliest son or daughter. Tomo is really a guitarist that is well-known a professor during the Berklee university of musical in Boston.

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