Using non-drug ways to cut down on meds.

Q: My BP runs in the 135-140 over 65-70 range, systolic has wide variance of 115 to 165. I am currently on 100mg atenolol and 160 mg Diovan. I have been using Resperate for about 2 months and have just started walking, getting heart rate up to 100+ for 30 min a day. I am 72 years old. Can I reasonably expect to ever eliminate or significantly cut down on BP meds?

A: Yes, with continued regular exercise and use of the Resperate you can expect to either lower the dose or discontinue some of your medication. It doesn’t matter how old your or how sick you are, regular exercise helps.

Further Reading:
What is RESPeRATE? –
What can you tell me about Resperate? Does it really help lower blood
pressure? –

Non-Drug Ways to Lower Blood Pressure –

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