Nervous when having blood pressure taken.

Q: I get nervous when approached with taking my blood pressure. The first reading is always extremely high. Yet, I find that if I am distracted, (i.e. watching an interesting program, laughing, reading a great book) while i take the reading my numbers are much lower and on occasion the optimal reading. I do not suffer from symptoms of high blood pressure but I am overweight. I want to avoid any medications, what should i do?

A: Many people get nervous with the thought of having their blood pressure measured. That is why the recommendation is to sit quietly for about five minutes prior to taking a reading. If you don’t have a regular exercise program, start exercising. Even if you don’t lose weight, regular exercise will help with blood pressure control. Since many of your readings are higher than optimal, you might want to start using the RESPeRATE. It has no side effects and has clinically been proven to lower blood pressure. Personally I find it very soothing to use.

Further Reading:
What is RESPeRATE? –

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