Effect of taking hormones on your blood pressure.

Q: If I stop taking hormones (Livial) my blood pressure goes high, but I am afraid of the risks of hormones in women over 60. What would be the best way to control my blood pressure?

A: You need to talk to your doctor.  Treatment of high blood pressure is individualized.  Treatment may be as simple as lifestyle changes or may require one or more drug.  What is recommended depends upon the degree of your high blood pressure and other medical problems you may have.  Race is also a consideration.

Further Reading:
Hormones, High Blood Pressure Linked – thirdage.com

1. If I stop taking hormones (Livial) my blood pressure goes high, but I am afraid of the risks of hormones in women over 60. What would be the best way to control my blood pressure?

You need to talk to your doctor. Treatment of high blood pressure is individualized. Treatment may be as simple as lifestyle changes or may require one or more drug. What is recommended depends upon the degree of your high blood pressure and other medical problems you may have. Race is also a consideration.

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